Paper: Landlords and Tenants in the Harsh World of COVID-19
Our partner, Gus Camelino, co-authored a paper titled Landlords and Tenant’s in the Harsh World of COVID-19 with our friend, Michael Baigel of Baigel Corp. which has been published in the Construction Economist -Spring 2021 edition tackling this important topic from a legal (Gus) and insolvency (Michael) perspective.
Landlords in the New World of Covid-19
Gus Camelino spoke before a group of accountants of the Greater Toronto Accountants Association about legal issues facing commercial landlords in the Covid-19 era.
The Advocates’ Society
Linda Galessiere co-chaired the Advocates’ Society’s Program: “Litigating Contract Disputes” held on June 18, 2020.
Criminal Lawyers’ 2020 Spring Conference
Linda Galessiere was a speaker at the 2020 Criminal Lawyers’ Association Annual Spring Conference held on May 30, 2020 discussing “If only I had known what a civil lawyer would say about my criminal case – civil consequences of criminal trials”.
In the news…
$702,000 award for on-ice hit a “wake-up call” for rec hockey reported in CBC news. We are very proud to have been involved in this important case representing Drew Casterton!
A Big Win! – Casterton v. MacIsaac
Congratulations to our partner Gus Camelino who won a huge judgment for his client who suffered a traumatic brain injury from a vicious hit during the final seconds of a recreational men’s hockey league game. The award of $702,551 was the highest ever made for a hockey injury case in Ontario. Bully’s beware! Casterton v. MacIsaac 2020 ONSC 190 (CanLII)
OBA Insolvency Executive Appointment
We are proud of our partner Gus Camelino who was re-appointed to the OBA Insolvency Section Executive for the 2019-20 term. Congrats Gus!
In the news
Linda Galessiere was recently quoted in The Lawyer’s Daily article: “Doctors’ names and OHIP billing not ‘personal information’, court rules” in which she comments on the Ontario Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Ontario Medical Association v. Ontario (Information and Privacy Commissioner) issued on August 3, 2018.
In the news
In the news – Linda Galessiere was extensively quoted in the June 13, 2018 Toronto Star Article “OHIP billings should not be public because ‘doctors are different’, court told” in relation to her involvement in an appeal she argued that day before the Court of Appeal for Ontario.
OBA Insolvency Executive Appointment
We are proud of our partner Gus Camelino who was appointed once again to the OBA Insolvency Section Executive for the 2018-19 term. A past Vice-Chair, Gus will hold the position of Secretary this time around. Congrats Gus!